Girls U14


Where are practices and games typically held?

Practices are held at ISCC, Simsbury Farms, or Westminster school during the week with games played at home or across the state.


When are practices and how often are they?

Teams practice typically 2 times per week.


How many games will they play? What days of the week?

Teams will play 20-30 games over the course of the season and will usually fall on the weekends.


Are jerseys provided or are they purchased separately?

Jerseys are provided to the player at the beginning of the season and returned once the season has finished.

* All players must be registered with USA Hockey to participate at all levels above. The annual registration date for USA hockey begins April 1st. This means if your child is participating in tryouts after April 1st a new USA hockey is required to get on the ice for tryouts.

Equipment Needed

In addition to hockey skates, full protective equipment is required to play ice hockey. The following is required:

  • Helmet (HECC certified)
  • Shoulder and Chest Protector
  • Elbow Pads
  • Hockey Gloves
  • Cup or Pelvic Protector
  • Shin Pads
  • Hockey Socks
  • Hockey Pants
  • Neck Guard is required by CHC
  • Mouth guard (for Peewee and older)
  • Stick

Is financial aid available?

SYHA provides a financial aid option for those in need, when available. Please complete the Stover Scholarship application found under Parent Resources.

2023-2024 Girls U14

Girls U14 / $2800

*Remember to choose CT for the state you play in during your USA Hockey registration.  

2024-2025 Girls U14

Girls U14 / $2855

*Remember to choose CT for the state you play in during your USA Hockey registration.  

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